viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Task 3 - What Are The Differences Between Teaching Approach, Teaching Method, Teaching Technique And Teaching Strategies?

Many times we think all of them are the same but indeed they are not. Here yo have definitions and a little explanations about them.

An approach to language learning consists of the techniques and activities you decide to use to learn a language, based on:
  • our beliefs about language and how it is learned
  • your learning style preferences
  • the constraints of the learning situation

A method is an overall plan for learning a second language, based on the theoretical approach selected. It involves the design of a syllabus for the course, which in turn consists of learning objectives and techniques for achieving those objectives.


  • The Language Learning Cycle
  • Total Physical Response
  • Suggestopedia
  • Counseling Learning
  • Direct Method

A technique is a particular method of doing an activity, usually involves practical skills

  • ThinkPair Share
  • Role Playing

Strategies  are Overall plans for implementing instructional goals, methods, or techniques

  • BuzzGroups
  • Concept Mapping
  • Graffiti

We could sum up that Strategies go into Techniques, Techniques into Methods, and Methods go into Approachs.

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Task 2 - Self-fulfillment: The Most Important Purpose

Self-fulfillment  is a concept used in philosophy and, to a lesser degree, psychology, referring to the realizing of one's deepest desires and capacities, and we, as teachers, want our students to be successful because it reflects ourselves. How come? Students are our own mirror, according to the personality and way we treat them, that is how they will behave.

That is why, teachers must believe in their students in order to have this feeling mutually. Even when students are not doing a good job teachers must encourage them and make them see that the student can do better and can overcome all the problems they face in the way to learning.

Students, most of the time, see the teacher not only as a teacher but also as a guide or example to follow in their lives; therefore teachers have to guide the in a good way, encourage them and teaching them that they don’t have to give up.

We know changing a life is hard, but when doing it, we don’t have to focus only in the academically aspects but in the spiritual and social life in order to make them successful in all aspects. Even though it is difficult it feels great whe you can see one of your students being successful in life… that is why: NEVER GIVE UP AND ENCOURAGE YOUR STUDENTS TO KEEP MOVING AND NEVER GO BACKWARDS. 

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Task 1 - Inspire Your Students


Because I know that by doing it I can change and better many of my students lives. I am aware that trough teaching I can not only help my students academicly but morally and prepare the to face real life situations.

It wont be easy for sure, but I like challenges adn I`m sure I can help students who have problems and encourage them to keep trying until they succeed.


Transformational pedagogy could impact in such a way the lives of pre-service and In-service teacher that could help them to be understood and to understand much easier their students.

As the chapter says "The way teachers think and learners feel in school trascends the curriculum" teachers have to have a positive attitude in order to create a good enviroment and let the students feel comfortable and ready to learn.

Pre-service teachers can take advantage of this beacuse it will show them how to treat their students regarding to teaching and also will prepare them to face situations that could hold the learning of the students.

In-service teachers who were not doing a good job when treating their students might make changes to full fill some requirements of teaching. They gotta have clear that students are not only empty glasse in which they can put information, but teachers must know students have feelings and that sometimes such feelings can stop the learning process.