A teacher’s style of delivery refers to the teaching strategies and methods employed by the teacher. I have realize about some teachings styles, and I have divided into the following categories:
Formal Authority: This kind of teachers might be so instructor-centered and Students play a very small part in the classroom. These teachers are the ones who established not only evaluations, but also ways to teach and how to work.
Model: These are the ones who does the thing to then the students do. The instructor define the steps an way to follow and the students have to putting into practice. The instructor may be the one who demonstrates the procedures; students may be the ones practicing the procedures, or some combination of both.
Facilitator: such kind of teachers are the ones, that from my point of view, are the best ones due to they give the students the necessary tools and help but will never make the students’ work. It is an style that is student-centered because the student is the one who must make the initial move to achieve some tasks.
Delegator: are the ones who give the students too much responsibility. They just give the task and no help. The duty is on the students.
I think that my teaching delivery style is facilitator because I tend to give my students help but I never do their work or put it to easy. If not you can check the following link:
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