sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Task 11 - What Are The Goals Of Classroom Management?What Do You Think Are The Most Important Principles Of Classroom Management?

First of all, let’s think what classroom management means. Classroom management is the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students

Classroom management is a pretty important part of a lesson. If the classroom management is fine, the lesson that is being imparted has a high probability of being successful.

Classroom management helps teachers to keep the affective filter low for students to learn.

Some of the most important principles of classroom management are the following:

  • Discipline 
  • Limits in the relationship between the teacher and the student. 
  • Arrangement of material 
  • Fairness in evaluations 
  • Treat every single student equally
I just like what it says, it is a 100% true:

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Task 10 - What Are Your Motives For Teaching? What Rewards Or Incentives Do You Get From Teaching? How Might Your Motives Interfere With Your Ability To Put The Needs Of Your Students Ahead Of Your Own?

Inspiration. That is my main motive for teaching. As many of my teachers have inspired me trough all my years to keep trying hard, I want to inspire my students to keep trying hard and not to give up with the first problem they have.

I want to change some students’ lives. I know that trough teaching I can do it. IN others words I want to teach to help other people.

Moreover, it is true that most persons choose this career just because it is known that teachers can get a very good wage. And why we deny it? It is true that it is part of the rewards it gives but for me, it s not the main reason. The best reward a teacher can receive is to see his or her students being successful and fulfilling their goals. 

And finally, I don’t think my motives are going to interfere with my ability to put the needs of your students ahead of my own because if I already stated I want to help my students, I will not let anything to stop me, even if they are my motives.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Task 9 - What I Like and What I Do Not Like about Working With Teenagers

There are many positive and negative aspects about teaching teenagers. Either of them will make us grow as teachers, no matter if we don’t like them or if we do. Apparently, working with teenagers should be easier than working with little children because you can be understood easier, students can catch the ideas faster and so forth. That is the idealism we all have crated but in fact, working with teens is quite more challenging, complicated and stressing but at the same time rewarding and satisfactory. The bigger the problems or barriers we face, the bigger the victory will be.

There are some positive things we can list:

Teenagers are curious. Teenagers are always trying and looking for new things to do, or looking for things to experience or try out, but sometimes this curiosity can go too further and therefore it can create some problems in the classroom.

Teens are energetic. They do not like to be still, sometimes it can be taken as a negative characteristic but in fact we, teachers, just need to know how to canalize and take advantage of that energy.

Teenagers can make their own decisions. Teenagers do not need much help to make decisions as children need it. That makes the job of the teacher easy.

Teens are very creative. They can make up an activity or an answer very fast, interesting ideas that can be applied in the classroom.

But there are also negative things:

Teens think they are the last Coca-Cola in the desert. They want to do many things just according to their judgment, and sometimes they do not like to be corrected.

Teenagers are quite more irresponsible. Sometimes they do not do activities or homework just for being doing something else.

Teens get distracted easily by any simple thing around them.

To sum up, working with teenagers has as many positives aspects as negatives but if we really like teaching and we know how to teach we can turn all those negative aspects into positive aspects and take advantage of them. Personally, I like to work with teenagers better rather than with children because it is a much more challenging experience and as a consequence a more rewarding one!

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Task 8 - What Can The World Wide Web Offer ESL/EFL Teachers?

Teachers nowasdays are involved by technological aspects and tools that they didn't know years ago. The the World Wide Web is only one of them. The World Wide Web allows persons to search, share and download any information they want, therefore teachers must take advantage of such technology.

We can not say the Word Wide Web offers limited things to ESL/EFL Teachers because there teachers can find as much information as they desire. There, teachers can find from simple activities like warm ups and time fillers until more complex things like lesson plans or solvings of problems.

World Wide Web is a very useful tool that teacher who are not used to using technological things should use because it gives a lot of opportunities not only for teachers but also for students. And also beacuse it, somehow, make teachers' job easier.